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안녕하세요, udid.kr 입니다.

iOS 10.1 베타가 출시되어, 현재 테스트 중에 있습니다. 

개선 및 추가 사항은 다음과 같습니다.

  • Adds Portrait feature in beta for iPhone 7 Plus.
  • Improved raise-to-wake (When you interact with the screen after raise to wake, the timeout is extended and the motion to put the phone down no longer turns off the screen immediately. If you don't interact with the screen after raise to wake, then the behavior is the same as before.)
  • New option added when the 'Reduce Motion' setting in Accessibility is enabled: Auto-play Message Effects (It appears to change nothing in message effects playback, however.)
  • Modem Firmware: 2.35.00 (iPhone 6s Plus)
  • What's New in Messages Splash Screen added.
  • There seems to be some sort of Bluetooth extender over Wi-Fi for HomeKit devices. (This can be tested by turning off Bluetooth on one of the iOS or tvOS devices running the latest beta software.)
  • Sounds of all types are significantly low. (Ringtones/Video/Audio/Calls Cellular/VoIP are significantly low in volume).
  • Stock camera image quality has been significantly improved for low light shots. (iPhone 6s Plus)
  • Battery Charging Algorithm has been significantly changed. First 70% is slower, 71-93% is fast and 94-100% is the slowest. (Tested with DFU restored iPhone 6s Plus with offline mode enabled).

더불어 아직 퍼블릭 베타 역시 공개되지 않은 관계로, UDID를 등록해야만 베타를 이용하실 수 있습니다.

지금 등록하시고, 상당 부분 개선된 베타를 이용해 보세요.


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